BBC主持人Jermaine Jenas的妻子讨论家庭争斗后不适当讯息丑闻。 Wife of fired BBC presenter Jermaine Jenas discusses family's struggle post-inappropriate message scandal.
前英国广播公司主持人Jermaine Jenas的妻子Ellie Penfold谈到自从Jenas因向女性同事发送不适当的信息而被英国广播公司开除以来,她的家人面临困难时期。 Ellie Penfold, wife of former BBC presenter Jermaine Jenas, has spoken about the difficult period her family has faced since Jenas was fired from the BBC for sending inappropriate messages to female colleagues. Jenas在赛日比赛和一秀上失去了角色 Jenas lost his roles on Match of the Day and The One Show. 在Jenas的支持下,笔迹聚焦于她们的孩子,并推出了她的个人护理品牌Preppy。 Penfold has focused on their children and launching her personal care brand, Preppy, with support from Jenas. Jenas已表示遗憾,并计划从这一经历中发展壮大。 Jenas has expressed regret and plans to grow from the experience.