数以千计的英国妇女计划起诉Johnson & Johnson公司,声称其烟灰粉导致癌症。 Thousands of UK women plan to sue Johnson & Johnson, claiming its talcum powder caused cancer.
联合王国计划起诉Johnson & Johnson(J&J)的数千名妇女,她们声称该公司据称含有石棉的制片粉末产品造成癌症。 Thousands of women in the UK plan to sue Johnson & Johnson (J&J) over claims that the company's talcum powder products, which allegedly contained asbestos, caused cancer. 在美国面临类似诉讼的J&J否认这些指控,并坚称其产品是安全的。 J&J, which has faced similar lawsuits in the US, denies these allegations and maintains that its products are safe. 由KP Law律师事务所牵头的联合王国案件涉及约2,000名索赔人,可能是联合王国第一个此类案件。 The UK case, led by law firm KP Law, involves around 2,000 claimants and could be the first of its kind in the UK. J&J已经拨出数十亿美元解决美国的相关案件, 并宣布计划停止在全球制造以盐酸为主的粉末。 J&J has already set aside billions to settle related cases in the US and announced plans to stop making talc-based powder globally.