报告突出了英格兰严重的青年暴力,敦促采取行动保护11岁的儿童。 Report highlights severe youth violence in England, urging action to protect children as young as 11.
严重的青年暴力在英格兰很普遍,影响到年仅11岁的儿童,他们携带刀子来保护。 Serious youth violence is widespread in England, affecting children as young as 11, who carry knives for protection. 一些检查机构的联合报告强调了这一问题的严重性,并呼吁加强地方机构的协作和政府的指导,以保护弱势儿童,包括有特殊教育需要的儿童。 A joint report by several inspection bodies highlights the issue's severity and calls for better local agency collaboration and government guidance to protect vulnerable children, including those with special educational needs. 报告强调必须采取紧急行动,处理和减少青年暴力问题。 The report stresses the need for urgent action to address and reduce youth violence.