南威尔士警察局的#NotTheOne 活动针对 11 至 16 岁的青少年,通过早期干预和教育来打击刀具犯罪。 South Wales Police's #NotTheOne campaign targets 11-16-year-olds to combat knife crime through early intervention and education.
南威尔士警察局的#NotTheOne 活动针对 11 至 16 岁的青少年,旨在与警察和犯罪专员以及威尔士暴力预防机构合作打击刀具犯罪。 South Wales Police's #NotTheOne campaign targets 11-16-year-olds to combat knife crime, working with the Police and Crime Commissioner and Wales Violence Prevention. 尽管持刀犯罪率很低,但这仍然是一个优先事项。 Despite rare knife crime rates, it remains a priority. 新的活动资源包括一部短片、采访和更新的网站内容,重点关注早期干预和教育。 New campaign resources include a short film, interview, and updated website content, focusing on early intervention and education. 最近的数据显示青少年袭击和刀伤事件有所减少。 Recent data shows a decrease in youth assault and knife injuries.