内布拉斯加州州长任命Drew Gonshorowski为新的医疗补助和长期护理主任。 Nebraska Governor appoints Drew Gonshorowski as new Medicaid and long-term care director.
内布拉斯加州州长Jim Pillen已任命Drew Gonshorowski自12月9日起担任医疗补助和长期护理部卫生与公众服务部新任主任。 Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen has appointed Drew Gonshorowski as the new director of Medicaid and long-term care for the Department of Health and Human Services, starting December 9. Gonshorowski有12年的政策分析经验,将取代临时主任Matt Ahern。 Gonshorowski, with 12 years of experience as a policy analyst, will replace interim director Matt Ahern. 他以前曾在帕拉贡卫生研究所和遗产基金会工作,重点是医疗补助、健康保险和政策改革。 He previously worked at Paragon Health Institute and The Heritage Foundation, focusing on Medicaid, health insurance, and policy reforms. Gonshorowski持有经济学学位,年薪为185 000美元。 Gonshorowski holds degrees in economics and will earn an annual salary of $185,000.