Montgomery警察调查一名6个月大的男孩因杀人而死亡的案件,寻求公众帮助。 Montgomery police investigating the death of a 6-month-old boy as a homicide, seeking public help.
Montgomery警方正在调查 一名6个月大的男孩死于凶杀案 Montgomery police are investigating the death of a 6-month-old boy as a homicide. 这名儿童受了危及生命的伤,11月10日被送往Birmingham医院,在那里死亡。 The child, who had life-threatening injuries, was taken to a Birmingham hospital where he died on November 10. 该案件最初被归类为死亡调查,在尸检后重新分类。 Initially classified as a death investigation, the case was reclassified after an autopsy. 警方正在寻求公众帮助,并敦促任何知情者与中央阿拉巴马犯罪救助站联系(334) 215-STOP。 Police are seeking public help and urge anyone with information to contact Central Alabama CrimeStoppers at (334) 215-STOP.