蒙大拿州的热门工作人员帮助遏制了纽约 5,300 英亩的斯特林森林野火。 Montana hotshot crew aids in containing New York's 5,300-acre Sterling Forest wildfire.
来自蒙大拿州Browning的山区机构间热弹队首席热射手正在协助打击纽约斯特林森林州公园的Jennings Creek野火。 The Chief Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew from Browning, Montana, is aiding in the fight against the Jennings Creek wildfire in New York's Sterling Forest State Park. 火灾烧毁了5 300多英亩土地,位于防火线之内。 The fire has burned over 5,300 acres and is contained within fire lines. 机组人员在14天的部署中,正与其他机构合作控制大火。 The crew, on a 14-day deployment, is working with other agencies to control the blaze.