肯尼亚发行了带有最新安全特征和官方签字的新钞票。 Kenya releases new banknotes featuring updated security features and official signatures.
肯尼亚中央银行正在发行新重新设计的钞票50、100、200和500先令,并更新了1 000先令的钞票。 The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) is releasing newly redesigned banknotes for 50, 100, 200, and 500 shillings, with the Sh1,000 note already updated. 新注有总督Kamau Thugge和国库首席秘书Chris Kiptoo博士的签名,这是2024年的印刷年,新的安全特征如色变线。 The new notes feature the signatures of Governor Kamau Thugge and Treasury Principal Secretary Dr. Chris Kiptoo, a 2024 print year, and new security features like color-changing threads. 现有纸币仍是法定货币,并将继续与新纸币一起流通. Existing notes remain legal tender and will continue to circulate alongside the new ones.