日本指甲师将海滩塑料废物用于指甲艺术,提高对污染的认识。 Japanese manicurist uses beach plastic waste for nail art, raising awareness on pollution.
日本指甲师Naomi Arimoto正在对抗塑料污染, Japanese manicurist Naomi Arimoto is fighting plastic pollution by creating nail art from plastic waste collected from beaches near her home in Tokyo. 她将微小的塑料碎片塑造成多彩的指甲尖,旨在引发关于环境问题的对话并激励可持续的做法。 She molds tiny plastic fragments into colorful nail tips, aiming to spark conversations about environmental issues and inspire sustainable practices. 尽管Arimoto的努力规模较小,她仍希望为全球打击塑料污染作出贡献。 Despite the small scale of her efforts, Arimoto hopes to contribute to the global fight against plastic pollution.