据称在南卡罗来纳州掐住少年囚犯的脖子后,拘留所副手被指控犯有袭击罪。 Detention deputy charged with assault after allegedly neck-grabbing juvenile inmate in South Carolina.
Laquinta Sheneil Jefferson, 34岁,被拘留在南卡罗来纳州Charleston县的副手,据称6月8日在Charleston县少年拘留中心将她的手放在一名17岁的囚犯的脖子上,因此被指控犯有三级攻击和殴打罪。 Laquinta Sheneil Jefferson, a 34-year-old detention deputy in Charleston County, South Carolina, was charged with third-degree assault and battery after allegedly placing her hand around a 17-year-old inmate's neck at the Charleston County Juvenile Detention Center on June 8. 指控源于证人证词和监控录像。 The charges stem from witness statements and surveillance footage. 杰斐逊被逮捕并以个人保释释放. Jefferson was booked and released on a personal recognizance bond. 随着调查的继续,她仍在休带薪行政假。 She remains on administrative leave with pay as the investigation continues.