Birmingham即将退休的警察局长Scott Thurmond将成为阿拉巴马大学副校长。 Birmingham's retiring police chief, Scott Thurmond, will become deputy chief at the University of Alabama.
Birmingham警察局长Scott Thurmond在任职26年后退休,被任命为阿拉巴马大学警察系新任副校长,自12月2日起。 Birmingham Police Chief Scott Thurmond, who is retiring after 26 years of service, has been appointed as the new deputy chief at the University of Alabama Police Department, starting December 2. Thurmond将协助管理日常业务、监督外勤业务和执行政策。 Thurmond will assist in managing day-to-day operations, overseeing field operations, and implementing policies. 他的离开是在伯明翰最致命的一年之后, 据报有130多起凶杀案。 His departure comes after Birmingham's deadliest year, with over 130 homicides reported. 临时首领迈克尔·皮克特 将接替瑟蒙德 Interim Chief Michael Pickett will succeed Thurmond.