伯明翰警察局长斯科特·瑟蒙退休,市长兰德尔·伍德芬任命副局长迈克尔·皮克特为临时局长. Birmingham Police Chief Scott Thurmond retires, Mayor Randall Woodfin appoints Deputy Chief Michael Pickett as interim chief.
Birmingham警察局长Scott Thurmond在该省工作26年后将退休,促使Randall Woodfin市长任命副警长Michael Pickett为临时局长。 Birmingham Police Chief Scott Thurmond will retire after 26 years with the department, prompting Mayor Randall Woodfin to appoint Deputy Chief Michael Pickett as interim chief. 友爱警察团敦促迅速有效地寻找永久替代人员,以解决暴力犯罪不断上升和士气低落的问题。 The Fraternal Order of Police urges a swift and effective search for a permanent replacement to address rising violent crime and low morale. 他们强调能够振兴部队和加强社区安全的领导能力的重要性。 They stress the importance of leadership capable of revitalizing the force and enhancing community safety. 这是2017年以来市长第三次任命警察局长。 This marks the mayor's third police chief appointment since 2017.