马萨诸塞州普兰维尔 (Plainville) 的 20 多名公寓居民因火灾而流离失所,女子被控纵火。 Woman charged with arson after fire displaces over 20 apartment residents in Plainville, Massachusetts.
一名61岁的妇女,Heather MacKinnon,在马萨诸塞州普莱安维尔一个公寓楼发生火灾,造成20多名居民流离失所后,被指控纵火。 A 61-year-old woman, Heather MacKinnon, has been charged with arson after a fire broke out at an apartment complex in Plainville, Massachusetts, displacing over 20 residents. 虽然消防员控制了一处公寓的火灾,但大楼受到大量烟雾和热力破坏。 Though firefighters contained the fire to one apartment, the building suffered extensive smoke and heat damage. MacKinnon面临纵火、恶意破坏财产和扰乱秩序的指控,安排在Wrentham区法院传讯。 MacKinnon faces charges of arson, malicious destruction of property, and disorderly conduct, with an arraignment scheduled in Wrentham District Court.