Tata Motors在沙特阿拉伯首次推出AMT卡车, Tata Motors launches its first AMT truck in Saudi Arabia, featuring advanced fuel-saving tech.
Tata汽车公司在沙特阿拉伯发射了第一辆AMT卡车,即Prima 4440.S AMT,其特色是强大的8.9升Cummins发动机和智能燃料节能装置。 Tata Motors has launched its first AMT truck, the Prima 4440.S AMT, in Saudi Arabia, featuring a powerful 8.9-liter Cummins engine and smart fuel-saving features. 该卡车是为集装箱和重型设备运输等各种应用设计的,重点是提高燃料效率和司机舒适度。 The truck is designed for various applications like container and heavy equipment transportation, with a focus on enhancing fuel efficiency and driver comfort. 在达曼的HEAT展展示了这次发射,展示了5个高性能模型。 The launch was showcased at the HEAT show in Dammam, where five high-performance models were displayed. Tata汽车公司的目标是通过先进的解决方案满足沙特阿拉伯不断变化的流动需求。 Tata Motors aims to meet the evolving mobility needs in Saudi Arabia with its advanced solutions.