9 月 20 日,俄勒冈州的 Siletz Valley 特许学校因一名携带霰弹枪的男子接近学校而被封锁,但没有犯罪。 On September 20, Siletz Valley Charter School in Oregon was placed on lockdown due to a man with a pellet gun approaching the school, but no crimes were committed.
俄勒冈州的 Siletz Valley 特许学校于 9 月 20 日被封锁,此前有报道称一名 20 多岁的男子持步枪接近学校。 Siletz Valley Charter School in Oregon was placed on lockdown on September 20 after reports of a man in his 20s approaching the school with a rifle. 执法部门,包括林肯县治安官办公室作出了反应,发现此人携带了一把子弹,没有构成威胁。 Law enforcement, including the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office, responded and discovered the individual was carrying a pellet gun, posing no threat. 听到的枪声是附近目标射击的不相干的枪声。 The gunshots heard were from unrelated target shooting nearby. 没有犯下任何罪行,而且关闭后和平结束,没有逮捕任何人。 No crimes were committed, and the lockdown ended peacefully with no arrests.