波兰飞行员因涉嫌 $8.4M 可卡因走私到爱尔兰而面临 3 月的新审判日期。 Polish pilot faces new trial date in March for alleged $8.4M cocaine smuggling into Ireland.
波兰飞行员Michal Luczak的新审判日期已经确定,他被控于2022年将价值840万欧元的可卡因运入爱尔兰。 A new trial date has been set for Polish pilot Michal Luczak, who is charged with bringing €8.4 million worth of cocaine into Ireland in 2022. Luczak不服罪,最初定于11月26日接受审判,但由于一名检方证人不在,审判推迟到3月25日。 Luczak, who has pleaded not guilty, was initially set to go to trial on November 26, but the trial was postponed until March 25 due to an unavailable prosecution witness. 该案涉及爱尔兰警察在一架飞机降落在Longford县后扣押了120公斤可卡因。 The case involves the seizure of 120kg of cocaine by Irish police after an aircraft landed in County Longford. Luczak仍在保释中。 Luczak remains on bail.