新西兰救援直升机在10月完成了110多次任务,拯救了边远地区的生命。 New Zealand rescue helicopters completed over 110 missions in October, saving lives in remote areas.
10月,Waikato Westpac和Greenlea救援直升机在新西兰各地区执行了许多拯救生命的任务。 In October, the Waikato Westpac and Greenlea Rescue Helicopters conducted numerous life-saving missions across New Zealand regions. Waikato Westpac直升机完成了64项任务,包括医院之间的转移和医疗紧急情况,而Greenlea直升机执行了47项任务,协助医院之间的转移和应对农村紧急情况。 The Waikato Westpac helicopter completed 64 missions, including inter-hospital transfers and medical emergencies, while the Greenlea helicopter carried out 47 missions, aiding in inter-hospital transfers and responding to rural emergencies. 这两名机组人员在偏远地点提供关键护理,确保及时治疗紧急情况下的病人。 Both crews provided critical care in remote locations, ensuring timely treatment for patients in urgent situations.