一架美国注册的直升机在澳大利亚Hay附近坠毁,造成一人死亡,另外两人受伤。 A US-registered helicopter crashed near Hay, Australia, killing one person and injuring two others.
11月22日,在澳大利亚Hay附近发生了致命的直升机坠毁事件,造成一人死亡,另一人受伤。 A fatal helicopter crash occurred on November 22 near Hay, Australia, killing one person and injuring another. 这架在美国注册的直升机在从Brack Hill飞往Albury的航班上坠毁,坠毁于Hay西北40公里处。 The helicopter, registered in the US and on a flight from Broken Hill to Albury, crashed 40 km northwest of Hay. 这名39岁的飞行员受轻伤后幸存下来。 The 39-year-old pilot survived with minor injuries. 澳大利亚运输和安全局(ATSB)正在调查坠机事件,并要求有录像的目击证人站出来。 The Australian Transport and Safety Bureau (ATSB) is investigating the crash and has asked for eyewitnesses with footage to come forward. 预计大约两个月内将得出初步调查结果,然后提出最后报告。 Preliminary findings are expected in about two months, followed by a final report. Hay Shire市长对死者的家人表示同情,并称赞了紧急服务。 The Hay Shire mayor expressed sympathy for the deceased's family and praised emergency services.