在贝尔法斯特机场附近,一个新的550万英镑的首府旅馆获得批准,将创造60个就业机会。 A new £5.5 million Premier Inn hotel near Belfast Airport gets approval, set to create 60 jobs.
贝尔法斯特国际机场附近一个新的550万英镑的首府旅馆已获得规划许可。 Planning permission has been granted for a new £5.5 million Premier Inn hotel near Belfast International Airport. 81间卧室旅馆在施工期间将创造30个工作岗位,完工后将再创造30个就业机会。 The 81-bedroom hotel will create 30 jobs during construction and 30 more upon completion. 开发项目位于Antrim路、机场路和英国路交汇处,包括修建通往机场的行人通道和125个停车场的计划。 Located at the junction of Antrim Road, Airport Road, and British Road, the development includes plans for a pedestrian link to the airport and 125 car parking spaces.