印度铁路增加了1 000多名教练,使每天的车容量增加了100 000名乘客。 Indian Railways adds over 1,000 coaches, increasing daily capacity by 100,000 passengers.
到11月,印度铁路在370部列车中增加了1 000多名普通教练,每天可容纳100 000名乘客。 Indian Railways is adding over 1,000 general coaches to 370 trains by November, accommodating an additional 100,000 daily passengers. 铁路计划在今后两年内再引进10 000名非AC教练,使每天的载客量增加80多万人。 The railway plans to introduce 10,000 more non-AC coaches over the next two years, increasing daily capacity by over 800,000 passengers. 这些具有先进安全特征的教练旨在加强乘客舒适度并满足不断增长的需求。 These coaches, manufactured with advanced safety features, aim to enhance passenger comfort and meet rising demand.