海莉·比伯(Hai Bieber)和肯德尔·詹纳(Kendall Jenner)于星期五出席加利福尼亚州萨宾娜·卡彭特(Sabrina Carpentter)的音乐会。 Hailey Bieber and Kendall Jenner attended Sabrina Carpenter’s concert in California on Friday.
Hai Bieber和Kendall Jenner于11月17日在加利福尼亚州英格尔伍德参加了Sabrina Carpenter的“Short n'Sort n'Sweet”巡回音乐会。 Hailey Bieber and Kendall Jenner attended Sabrina Carpenter's "Short n' Sweet" tour concert in Inglewood, California, on November 17th. Bieber最近于八月生下她的儿子Jack, Bieber在Instagram上分享了这次活动的照片和视频。 Bieber, who recently gave birth to her son Jack in August, shared photos and videos of the event on her Instagram. 两颗星星都穿着时尚的服装, 享受着夜晚的盛宴, 卡彭特演唱流行歌曲, 例如“请请请”和“Espresso”。 Both stars wore stylish outfits and enjoyed the night out, which featured Carpenter performing popular songs like "Please Please Please" and "Espresso."