Hailey Bieber参加了Justin Bieber在洛杉矶的Don Toliver音乐会上的惊喜表演。 Hailey Bieber attended Justin Bieber's surprise performance at Don Toliver's concert in LA.
Hailey Bieber支持Justin Bieber 在洛杉矶的Don Toliver演唱会上 出人意料的表演 Hailey Bieber supported Justin Bieber during his surprise performance at Don Toliver's concert in Los Angeles. 贾斯汀与托利弗一起上台表演了他们的歌曲“Private Landing”,这标志着他在朋友的法律问题后与心理健康作斗争中罕见地出现。 Justin joined Toliver on stage to perform their song "Private Landing," marking a rare appearance amid his mental health struggles following a friend's legal issues. 这对夫妇在庆祝他们结婚6周年时,最近欢迎他们的儿子杰克,尽管他没有参加这次活动。 The couple, celebrating their sixth anniversary, recently welcomed their son, Jack, although he did not attend the event. 海莉分享了社交媒体表演的片段。 Hailey shared clips from the performance on social media.