澳大利亚Buangor西部公路发生致命车祸,细节有待调查。 A fatal crash occurred on Western Highway in Buangor, Australia, with details pending investigation.
澳大利亚巴拉拉特以西的Buangor西部公路发生致命事故。 A fatal crash occurred on the Western Highway in Buangor, west of Ballarat, Australia. 当地媒体报道该事件正在调查之中,但没有公布涉及车辆数量或坠机原因的细节。 Local media report the incident is under investigation, but no details on the number of vehicles involved or the cause of the crash have been released. 随着调查的继续进行,预计将收到进一步资料。 Further information is expected as the investigation continues.