墨尔本的一场致命事故 涉及一辆偷来的卡车 造成一人死亡 导致道路严重关闭 A fatal crash in Melbourne, involving a stolen truck, left one dead and led to major road closures.
墨尔本Footscray的一次致命车祸 涉及一辆失窃的白色尼桑卡车 在Ballarat Rd撞上了一辆汽车 A fatal crash in Footscray, Melbourne, involved a stolen white Nissan truck hitting a car on Ballarat Rd. 司机在现场死亡,身份不明,而来自Deer Park的40岁的卡车司机则被逮捕并住院治疗。 The car driver died at the scene, unidentified, while the 40-year-old truck driver from Deer Park was arrested and hospitalized. 主要公路被关闭,造成交通延误。 Major roads were closed, causing traffic delays. 重大碰撞调查组正在进行调查,敦促证人站出来。 The Major Collision Investigation Unit is investigating, urging witnesses to come forward.