2011 年杀害 77 人的安德斯·贝林·布雷维克 (Anders Behring Breivik) 在入狱 13 年后寻求假释。 Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in 2011, seeks parole after 13 years in prison.
Anders Behring Brevik是挪威大规模杀人犯, 2011年杀害77人, 将在服刑超过13年后出庭寻求假释。 Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian mass murderer who killed 77 people in 2011, will appear in court to seek parole after serving over 13 years. Breivik在奥斯陆被判定犯有汽车爆炸罪,在工党青年营枪杀了69人,其中大多数是青少年。 他正在服21年徒刑,如果被视为威胁,可以延长刑期。 Breivik, convicted of a car bombing in Oslo and shooting 69 people, mostly teenagers, at a Labour Party youth camp, is serving a 21-year sentence, which can be extended if deemed a threat. 由于安全考虑,他先前的假释请求于2022年被拒绝。 His previous parole request was denied in 2022 due to safety concerns.