美国林业局提议大幅提高西北太平洋的伐木量,以对抗野火和援助经济。 US Forest Service proposes major logging increase in Pacific Northwest to combat wildfires and aid economies.
美国林业局(US Forest Service)提议在西北太平洋增加伐木, 以对抗野火和支持农村经济, The US Forest Service proposes increasing logging in the Pacific Northwest to fight wildfires and support rural economies, potentially raising annual timber harvests by up to 200%. 这些变化影响到一项30年的森林管理计划,覆盖俄勒冈州、华盛顿州和加利福尼亚州,目的是加强森林复原力,提供稳定的木材供应。 The changes, affecting a 30-year-old forest management plan covering Oregon, Washington, and California, aim to boost forest resilience and provide stable timber supplies. 该提案邀请公众发表评论,并面对关注对野生动物和旧林的影响的环保主义者的怀疑。 The proposal invites public comment and faces skepticism from environmentalists concerned about impacts on wildlife and old-growth forests. 预计2026年初将作出最终决定。 A final decision is expected in early 2026.