一辆汽车撞上一辆停在兰开斯特30号公路上停靠的卡车和护栏,造成两人受伤。 Two were injured when a vehicle crashed into a parked truck and guardrail on Lancaster's Route 30 overpass.
星期天下午3时40分左右,在兰开斯特镇30号公路上,一辆汽车在右道撞上一辆停靠的皮卡车,导致该车与护栏发生碰撞,两人在车祸中受伤。 Two individuals were injured in a vehicle crash on the Route 30 overpass in Lancaster Township on Sunday around 3:40 p.m. A vehicle hit a parked pickup truck in the right lane, causing it to collide with the guardrail. 两名伤者被送往兰开斯特总医院。 Both injured people were taken to Lancaster General Hospital. 过道关闭了约一小时,下午4时30分重新开放。 The overpass was closed for about an hour and reopened at 4:30 p.m.