在宾夕法尼亚州亚当斯县94号公路的多车辆坠毁事件中,四人受伤。 Four people were injured in a multi-vehicle crash on Route 94 in Adams County, Pennsylvania.
星期二晚上,宾夕法尼亚州亚当斯县94号公路多车辆坠毁事件造成四人受伤。 Four people were injured in a multi-vehicle crash on Route 94 in Adams County, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday evening. 事故发生时,一辆南向车辆驶入北向车道,正面撞上另一辆车。 The accident occurred when a southbound vehicle crossed into the northbound lane, striking another vehicle head-on. 这次碰撞又造成另外两辆车卷入。 The collision caused two more vehicles to be involved. 这条道路关闭了大约6个小时,但此后又重新开放。 The road was closed for about six hours but has since reopened. 警察证实,没有一名司机被怀疑在这种影响下驾驶。 Police confirmed that none of the drivers were suspected of driving under the influence.