Stephen McCourt因谋杀Damien Heagney而受审,后者的遗骸于2022年在水库中被发现。 Stephen McCourt is on trial for the murder of Damien Heagney, whose remains were found in a reservoir in 2022.
Stephen McCourt, 41岁,因谋杀47岁的Damien Heagney而受审,据称在2021年12月29日至2022年1月7日期间被杀害。 Stephen McCourt, 41, is on trial for the murder of Damien Heagney, 47, allegedly killed between December 29, 2021, and January 7, 2022. 海格尼的遗骸是2022年8月在卡帕赫水库发现的 Heagney's remains were found in a Cappagh reservoir in August 2022. 检察官声称,在McCourt的公寓里发现了与Heagney相匹配的血迹,还有一块沾有血迹的地毯和螺栓剪刀,可能用遗骸剪断了铁丝。 Prosecutors claim blood matching Heagney was found in McCourt's flat, along with a blood-stained carpet and bolt cutters that may have cut wire found with the remains. McCourt否认指控,并涉及其他人。 McCourt denies the charges and implicates others.