46岁的都柏林男子Stephen Carberry因据称处置与犯罪组织有联系的被谋杀少年Keane Mulreed-Woods的尸体而面临审判。 46-year-old Dublin man Stephen Carberry faces trial for allegedly disposing of body parts of murdered teenager Keane Mulready-Woods, linked to a criminal organization.
46岁的都柏林男子Stephen Carberry将因据称处置被谋杀的少年Keane Mulreed-Woods的尸体而受审。 Dublin man Stephen Carberry, 46, will face trial for allegedly disposing of body parts of murdered teenager Keane Mulready-Woods. Carberry面临三项指控,包括运送和处置Mulredi-Woods身体部位,意图使犯罪组织受益,阻碍起诉谋杀他的凶手,以及为犯罪组织的利益纵火焚烧汽车。 Carberry faces three charges, including transporting and disposing of Mulready-Woods' body parts with the intention of benefiting a criminal organization, impeding the prosecution of his murderer, and setting fire to a car for the benefit of a criminal organization. Keane Mulreed-Woods,17岁,在2020年1月最后一次见到活人,后来在不同的地点发现了他的尸体部位。 Keane Mulready-Woods, 17, was last seen alive in Jan 2020, and his body parts were later found in separate locations. Gardaí怀疑他是被臭名昭著的罪犯Robbie律师杀死的,与Drogheda的帮派争斗有关。 Gardaí suspect he was killed by notorious criminal Robbie Lawlor, tied to a gang feud in Drogheda.