韩国寻求为被摧毁的基础设施项目向北朝鲜收回贷款。 South Korea seeks to reclaim loans to North Korea for destroyed infrastructure projects.
韩国正在审查采取措施, 要求回收向朝鲜提供的贷款, South Korea is reviewing measures to reclaim loans given to North Korea for building inter-Korean roads and train tracks, which were destroyed by North Korea in October. 这些贷款从2002年至2008年共计1.329亿美元,现在有可能无法偿还。 The loans, totaling $132.9 million from 2002 to 2008, are now at risk of not being repaid. 统一部也正在拟订一项法案,通过向雇用北朝鲜叛逃者的公司减税来支持他们。 The unification ministry is also working on a bill to support North Korean defectors by offering tax cuts to companies that hire them.