科学家发现古老的化石 暗示出蛋的基因创造 早于动物10亿年。 Scientists find ancient fossil suggesting egg creation genes predate animals by a billion years.
科学家发现了一种化石化的非冰原有机体Chromosphaera perkinsii, 其繁殖方式与动物胚胎发育相似。 Scientists discovered a fossilized unicellular organism, Chromosphaera perkinsii, which reproduces in a way similar to animal embryonic development. 这种生物可追溯到十亿多年前 表明创造卵的基因程序 早在动物进化之前就已经存在了 This organism, dating back over a billion years, suggests that the genetic programming for creating eggs existed long before animals evolved. 在《自然》中详细介绍的这一发现挑战了以前对多细胞生命演变时间表的信念。 The finding, detailed in Nature, challenges previous beliefs about the timeline of multicellular life's evolution.