科学家们绘制了20亿年生命进化的图,显示了稳定的时期和由冰河时期引发的快速变化。 Scientists map 2 billion years of life evolution, showing stable periods and rapid changes spurred by ice ages.
科学家们绘制了几近20亿年前生命的演变图,揭示了生物多样性的关键模式。 Scientists have mapped the evolution of life back to nearly 2 billion years ago, revealing key patterns of biodiversity. 这项发表在《科学》杂志上的研究强调了一个被称为“无聊十亿”的稳定时期,物种更替率很低。 The study, published in Science, highlights a stable period known as the "boring billion" where species turnover was low. 在此之后,全球冰河时代引发了迅速的进化变化。 Following this, global ice ages sparked rapid evolutionary changes. 这一研究使人们深入了解环境变化,如气候变化和氧气水平的提高,是如何影响早期生命形态的,提出了与研究外来生命和地球未来可居住性并行的建议。 This research offers insights into how environmental shifts, like climate changes and increased oxygen levels, influenced early life forms, suggesting parallels to studying alien life and Earth's future habitability.