俄罗斯对乌克兰的袭击扰乱了20国集团首脑会议,促使各方重新考虑和平声明。 Russian strikes on Ukraine disrupt G20 summit, prompting reconsideration of peace statements.
俄罗斯对乌克兰的空袭动摇了20国集团各国之间在里约热内卢首脑会议上就联合声明达成的脆弱协议。 Russian air strikes on Ukraine have shaken the fragile agreement among G20 nations working on a joint statement at their summit in Rio de Janeiro. 欧洲外交官现在考虑修订有关全球冲突的措辞,威胁在以谈判和平为重点的六天谈判之后达成的共识。 European diplomats now consider revising the language on global conflicts, threatening the consensus reached after six days of negotiations focused on negotiating peace. 美国解除了对乌克兰在罢工后使用美国制造的武器的限制。 The U.S. lifted restrictions on Ukraine's use of U.S.-made weapons in response to the strikes.