波兰敦促在华沙污水中检测出病毒后,增加小儿麻痹症疫苗的接种。 Poland urges increased polio vaccinations after detecting the virus in Warsaw's sewage.
波兰敦促在华沙污水中发现病毒后,增加儿童小儿麻痹症疫苗接种。 Poland has urged increased polio vaccinations for children after detecting the virus in Warsaw's sewage. 虽然病毒检测不能证实疾病 但未接种疫苗的人有风险 While the virus detection doesn't confirm illness, unvaccinated individuals are at risk. 波兰为19岁以下的人提供免费脊髓灰质炎疫苗接种。 Poland offers free polio vaccinations for those under 19. 卫生官员对防接种运动的上升表示关切,并力求达到至少95%的疫苗接种覆盖率,以防止爆发疾病。 Health officials are concerned about the rise of anti-vaccination movements and aim to reach at least 95% vaccination coverage to prevent outbreaks. 该国自1984年以来一直没有脊髓灰质炎。 The country has been polio-free since 1984. 新的措施包括加强污水测试和更新未接种疫苗的儿童名单。 New measures include intensified sewage testing and updating unvaccinated children lists.