新西兰坎特伯雷大学恢复了独特的二战时代激光来研究地球的旋转。 New Zealand's University of Canterbury revives unique WWII-era laser to study Earth's rotation.
新西兰坎特伯雷大学修复了C-II环激光器,这是自2011年克赖斯特彻奇地震以来被困在二战洞穴的一个独特的装置。 The University of Canterbury in New Zealand has restored the C-II ring laser, a unique device trapped in a secret WWII cavern since the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes. 1996年建造并于2023年回收,该激光测量地球的旋转,标志着新西兰和德国之间30年的研究合作。 Constructed in 1996 and recovered in 2023, the laser, which measures Earth's rotation, marks 30 years of research cooperation between New Zealand and Germany. 它现在投入运行,将有助于光子和量子技术研究。 Now operational, it will aid in photonics and quantum technologies research.