马来西亚政府致力于使从GISBH救出的儿童与家人康复和团聚。 Malaysian government works to rehabilitate and reunite children rescued from GISBH with their families.
马来西亚政府正在集中力量帮助从全球伊斯兰伊斯兰宗教局(GISBH)手中获救的儿童恢复正常生活和与家人团聚。 The Malaysian government is focusing on rehabilitating and reuniting children rescued from the Global Islamic Syariah Bureau Holdings (GISBH) with their families. 康复过程包括信仰、咨询、爱国主义、教育和技能开发。 The rehabilitation process includes faith, counseling, patriotism, education, and skills development. 多个政府机构正在开展合作,以确保儿童安全地重新融入社会,并最大限度地减少创伤风险。 Multiple government agencies are collaborating to ensure the children's safe reintegration into society and to minimize trauma risks.