Huhtamaki与Slush合作,通过可回收的杯子和讨论促进可持续性。 Huhtamaki partners with Slush to promote sustainability through recyclable cups and discussions.
Huhtamaki是可持续包装的领头人,与Slush合作,这是赫尔辛基的首创活动,是其官方可持续性合作伙伴。 Huhtamaki, a leader in sustainable packaging, has partnered with Slush, a top startup event in Helsinki, as its official sustainability partner. 在Slush, Huhtamaki将在可回收的纤维杯中提供所有饮料,并主办关于循环经济做法的讨论。 At Slush, Huhtamaki will provide all drinks in recyclable fiber cups and host discussions on circular economy practices. 该伙伴关系旨在促进材料的循环利用和可持续使用,在活动杯上设有33个收集点。 The partnership aims to promote recycling and sustainable use of materials, with 33 collection points for the cups at the event.