好莱坞明星参加法国博恩葡萄酒拍卖会, 募集13.9M欧元用于慈善。 Hollywood stars attend France's Hospices de Beaune wine auction, raising €13.9M for charity.
好莱坞明星Eva Longoria和Dominic West参加了法国历史性的博恩慈善葡萄酒拍卖会,这次拍卖筹集了1 390万欧元,远远低于去年的2 900万欧元。 Hollywood stars Eva Longoria and Dominic West attended France's historic Hospices de Beaune charity wine auction, which raised €13.9 million, far below last year's €29 million. 由于天气恶劣,收成减少,导致葡萄酒批量减少,影响了总收益。 The reduced harvest due to poor weather led to fewer wine lots, impacting the total proceeds. 这些基金使无国界医生和全球礼品基金会受益,帮助维持医疗设施和支持援助洪都拉斯等国家弱势群体的项目。 The funds, benefiting Doctors Without Borders and the Global Gift Foundation, help maintain medical facilities and support projects aiding vulnerable populations in countries like Honduras.