Cher 与 CharityBuzz 合作举办马里布晚餐拍卖会,为 Free the Wild 筹集资金,目前出价为 23,000 美元,预计拍卖价格为 30,000 美元。 Cher partners with CharityBuzz for a Malibu dinner auction to raise funds for Free the Wild, with current bids at $23,000 and an expected reach of $30,000.
Cher 正在与 CharityBuzz 合作举办一场慈善拍卖,出价最高者将有机会参加 4 月 27 日在她马里布家中举行的亲密晚宴。 Cher is collaborating with CharityBuzz for a charity auction where the highest bidder gets to attend an intimate dinner party at her Malibu home on April 27. 该活动将包括日落鸡尾酒时间、拍照机会和美食。 The event will include a sunset cocktail hour, photo opportunity, and fine dining. 拍卖将持续到2月13日,目前的出价为23,000美元,预计将达到30,000美元。 The auction is running until February 13, and the current bid is at $23,000, expected to reach $30,000. 拍卖所得的所有善款将捐献给雪儿的慈善机构“Free the Wild”,该机构致力于减轻圈养野生动物的痛苦,并最终释放它们。 All money raised from the auction will go to Cher's charity, Free the Wild, which works to alleviate the suffering of and eventually free wild animals in captivity.