前尼泊尔议长Daman Nath Dhungana(民主和宪法的关键人物)于83岁去世。 Former Nepalese Speaker Daman Nath Dhungana, key in democracy and constitution, dies at 83.
前尼泊尔议长Daman Nath Dhungana在该国民主和人权倡导中发挥了关键作用,他于83岁去世。 Former Nepalese Speaker Daman Nath Dhungana, who played a crucial role in the country's democracy and human rights advocacy, has died at 83. Dhungana以其公正性和对尼泊尔宪法起草工作的贡献而闻名, Known for his impartiality and contributions to drafting Nepal's constitution, Dhungana was a respected figure across political lines. 政府宣布他的名誉为公共假日,并计划在他的葬礼上给予国家荣誉。 The government has declared a public holiday in his honor and plans to provide state honors at his funeral.