阿富汗难民Ahmed获释,但立即受到新的政府立法的监督。 Afghan refugee Ahmed freed from detention but immediately monitored by new government legislation.
在高等法院裁决无限期拘留为非法之后,被拘留8年的阿富汗难民Ahmed的脚踝监视器被摘除。 After a High Court decision ruled indefinite detention unlawful, Ahmed, an Afghan refugee who spent eight years in detention, had his ankle monitor removed. 然而,由于内务部长Tony Burke颁布了允许监测装置和宵禁的新立法,第二天又重新安装了这一装置。 However, it was reattached the next day due to new legislation by Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke allowing monitoring devices and curfews. 人权团体批评政府规避法院的裁决。 Human rights groups criticize the government for circumventing the court's decision. Ahmed,现在自由了,但仍在被监视着, 与这个装置对他作为建筑工人的生活的影响挣扎着。 Ahmed, now freed but still monitored, struggles with the device's impact on his life as a construction worker.