据称,一名72岁的男子在醉酒时撞了纽约州警的两辆车,造成轻伤。 A 72-year-old man struck two New York State Police vehicles while allegedly drunk, causing minor injuries.
一名72岁的男子Jaikaran Ramrookom在11月16日星期六纽约巴比伦午夜左右调查另一起醉酒驾车事件时,击中了两辆纽约州警车。 A 72-year-old man, Jaikaran Ramrookum, struck two New York State Police vehicles while they were investigating another drunk driving incident on Saturday, November 16, around midnight in Babylon, New York. 坠机时,Ramrookum据称喝醉了,将他的2004年丰田RAV4号汽车开进巡逻车。 The crash happened when Ramrookum, allegedly drunk, drove his 2004 Toyota RAV4 into the patrol cars. 士兵和Ramrookom均受轻伤,并在当地医院接受治疗。 Both troopers and Ramrookum suffered minor injuries and were treated at local hospitals. 拉姆鲁库姆现在被指控驾驶酒后. Ramrookum is now charged with driving under the influence.