在加拿大橡树湾的志愿者们努力保护濒危的加里橡树生态系统免受入侵物种的侵扰。 Volunteers in Oak Bay, Canada, work to protect the endangered Garry oak ecosystem from invasive species.
由乌普兰公园之友会主席玛格丽特·利德凯亚领导的一群志愿者每周在加拿大奥克湾的牛角工作,以保护濒危的加里橡树生态系统。 A group of volunteers led by Margaret Lidkea, president of the Friends of Upland Park, are working weekly at Cattle Point in Oak Bay, Canada, to protect the endangered Garry oak ecosystem. 使用手工工具,它们清除了威胁这种稀有环境微妙平衡的入侵物种。 Using hand tools, they remove invasive species that threaten the delicate balance of this rare environment. 它们的努力旨在为后代保护Garry橡树生态系统及其生物多样性。 Their efforts aim to preserve the Garry oak ecosystem and its biodiversity for future generations.