Tobias Wilson在冲进一栋房屋和汽车后,因持有OWI和毒品而被捕。 Tobias Wilson was arrested for OWI and drug possession after crashing into a house and cars.
Tobias Wilson, 25岁,来自威斯康星州麦迪逊市,11月8日早上8时10分左右在东约翰逊街撞进一栋房子和两辆停泊汽车后,因在酒后操作(OWI)和持有非法处方药被捕。 Tobias Wilson, a 25-year-old from Madison, Wisconsin, was arrested for operating while intoxicated (OWI) and possessing illegal prescription drugs after crashing his vehicle into a house and two parked cars on November 8 around 8:10 a.m. on East Johnson Street. Wilson试图把毒品藏在坠机现场的附近 Wilson tried to hide the drugs near the crash scene.