Pet Shop Boys 在“Strictly Come Dancing”中表演了一首热门混合曲,标志着该节目重返布莱克浦。 Pet Shop Boys performed a hit medley on "Strictly Come Dancing," marking the show's return to Blackpool.
The Pet Shop Boys 以“It's A Sin”和“West End Girls”等热门歌曲开场,穿着与专业舞者相匹配的银色服装。 The Pet Shop Boys opened Strictly Come Dancing's Blackpool episode with a medley of hits like "It's A Sin" and "West End Girls," wearing silver outfits that matched the professional dancers. 表演在社交媒体上被赞美为"史上最好的", 标志着节目又回到了布莱克浦塔舞厅。 The performance, praised as the "best ever" on social media, marked the show's return to the Blackpool Tower Ballroom. 两人将在周日的比赛中演唱他们的新单曲"All The Young Dudes". The duo will perform their new single "All The Young Dudes" at Sunday's results show.