Oritsé Williams和妻子Kazz在面临两次流产后欢迎他们的第一个孩子Shiva。 Oritsé Williams and wife Kazz welcome their first child, Shiva, after facing two miscarriages.
Oritsé Williams是前JLS成员,他的妻子Kazz在两次流产后欢迎他们的第一个孩子,名叫Shiva Zion Olumidé Williams的男孩Shiva Zion Olumidé。 Oritsé Williams, a former JLS member, and his wife Kazz have welcomed their first child together, a baby boy named Shiva Zion Olumidé Williams, after experiencing two miscarriages. 生于10月3日, Shiva因Kazz的妊娠糖尿病而计划通过剖腹产分娩。 Born on October 3, Shiva was delivered via a planned C-section due to Kazz's gestational diabetes. 这对夫妇于2022年结婚,他们对在旅途中得到的支持表示非常感激。 The couple, who married in 2022, expressed immense gratitude for the support they received throughout their journey.