挪威 DJ Alan Walker 在开箱活动中祝贺 Virat Kohli 儿子的诞生。 Norwegian DJ Alan Walker congratulated Virat Kohli on the birth of his son at an unboxing event.
挪威 DJ Alan Walker 在 Kohli 的 IPL 球队班加罗尔皇家挑战者队的开箱活动中祝贺印度板球明星 Virat Kohli 和妻子 Anushka Sharma 的儿子 Akaay 的出生。 Norwegian DJ Alan Walker congratulated Indian cricket star Virat Kohli on the birth of his and wife Anushka Sharma's son Akaay at an unboxing event for Kohli's IPL team, Royal Challengers Bangalore. 这对夫妇于 2024 年 2 月 15 日迎来了他们的男婴。 The couple welcomed their baby boy on February 15, 2024. 沃克和科利之间的互动在社交媒体上疯传,后者纠正了 DJ 关于他们有一个女儿的假设。 The interaction between Walker and Kohli went viral on social media, with the latter correcting the DJ's assumption that they had a daughter.