巴基斯坦和孟加拉国之间的新航运服务缩短了运输时间,推动了贸易。 New shipping service between Pakistan and Bangladesh cuts transport times, boosting trade.
巴基斯坦和孟加拉国之间的新的直接集装箱航运服务已经启动,通过消除转运港口的停留,大大减少了运输时间。 A new direct container shipping service between Pakistan and Bangladesh has launched, significantly reducing transport times by eliminating stops at transhipment ports. 从迪拜的杰贝勒阿里港开始的“Yuan chang Fa Zhan”号船将一批工业产品和消费品运到孟加拉国的Chattograph港。 The "Yuan Xiang Fa Zhan" vessel, starting from Dubai's Jebel Ali port, brought a cargo of industrial goods and consumer products to Bangladesh's Chattogram port. 这项服务有望精简两国的供应链,促进两国间贸易。 This service promises to streamline supply chains and boost trade between the two countries.