马来西亚拒绝需要新的海洋地图, 承诺在菲律宾法律释放时保护水域。 Malaysia rejects need for new maritime map, pledges defense of waters amid Philippine law release.
马来西亚国防部长达图克·斯里·穆罕默德·哈立德·诺丁声称不需要新的海洋边界地图,强调马来西亚承诺捍卫其领土并利用外交手段处理重叠主张。 Malaysia's Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, asserts no need for a new maritime boundary map, emphasizing the country's commitment to defending its territories and using diplomacy to address overlapping claims. 这一立场是因为菲律宾颁布了影响萨巴赫边界的新的海事法。 This stance comes in response to the Philippines' release of new maritime laws affecting Sabah's borders. 马来西亚将继续监测其水域,并将对任何外国船只入侵提出抗议。 Malaysia will continue monitoring its waters and will protest any foreign vessel incursions.